Tuesday, April 30, 2024
DJing at School
Saturday, April 27, 2024
Senior Prom
Brandt and Ruth attended Prom today. I suggested they go to dinner at Happy Sumo because I thought Brandt liked sushi, but I led them astray. He doesn't like it. Ruth likes sushi, however, so she was happy with the choice.
I took cute pictures of them outside in the front yard and they went off to the dance.
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
The Morning Breaks
Maureen and I have begun biking outside again. I have not been very diligent about biking in the basement, so it feels hard. I also took my bike in for a tune up and some part changes, so I have been riding Kent's bike which also needs to go to the shop for a tune up. It's been a slog. But this morning, as I circled the culdesac for a cool down, the sky over Rock Canyon and Squaw Peak was magnificently beautiful. It was a great way to start the day.
Saturday, April 20, 2024
Saturday Evening
We had a nice Saturday afternoon after spending the morning and early afternoon cleaning the house. Brick had a soccer game which I went to watch and to help wrangle children. Guy has gone to Moab, so Mikayla is being a single parent but needed to be able to focus on coaching the soccer game and not on her children. Mom came to watch and wrangle too. Brick's team won, five to three.
I suggested everyone come to my house after the game for dinner and game playing, and at 9:00 we would burn the last of the Christmas trees that have been drying up by the side of the garage. It was time. That all sounded good, so I sent Brandt for pizza while I walked home with the children. Mom came for pizza and games, but she left to go to Ava, Crew, and Griffin's promenade. The girls did coloring and cutting on the family room floor, Kal made me the most delightful paper hippo dragon with large mouth and teeth and wings. Mikayla, Mom, and I played a card game before she left, and then I played a couple of games with Freya and Thea. Freya always likes to play Snug as a Bug in a Rug and Count Your Chickens.
Brandt, ever the entertainer, brought out a speaker, his mixing board, and computer, and began playing music, loudly, as Kent set up the trees. The frisbee team gathered, several neighbors came out, and Mikayla's children were excitedly dancing around. We had three full, pretty tall, incredibly dry trees to burn. Kent secured one in an umbrella stand, then rested the other two against that one. He brought out the fire extinguisher because he was worried they would fall over or the heat would be so tremendous something else would catch fire that we really did not want to burn.
With music blaring, Izzy and Kent lit the trees. They went up spectacularly! The flames were high and hot, and with three, it was quite a show. We heard the following from Mikayla's children and the frisbee team.
Cora: "Let's do another one!"
Kal: "I just to light things on fire!"
Brick: "I want to see something explode."
Kal, said in a monster voice: "I want them to burn!"
Frisbee player 1: "We never do this kind of thing in my neighborhood. I want to move here."
Frisbee player 2: "That's the most amazing thing I've ever seen in my life."
It was a terrific final tree burning and a fun Saturday evening all around.
Friday, April 19, 2024
An Opening Gig
Thursday, April 18, 2024
Izzy + Kazuha = Tru Love
5th Grade State Fair
Mikayla and Guy were involved in Guy's parents' 50th anniversary celebration this evening, so with my mom and all the Johnsen kids, I went to the fifth grade State Fair to support Brick. Brick learned all about Kentucky and had a funny set up with a few things including a bucket of KFC. The other kids really liked looking at all the other states, especially Freya who was touching everything.
Brace-Face No More
It was a big day for Brandt today. He got his braces off! He was pleased to be done with the braces, but not thrilled with the retainer. He says it hurts. He looks really good.