Saturday, September 24, 2022

BYU Football on Zions Bank

Amy Morris, my former Branch Manager, got tickets through work to today's BYU football game. Zions Bank donates money to BYU Football, or maybe just to BYU in general, and so Nick, our Region President, will sometimes disburse tickets to managers. Amy got them for today's game and invited me to join her and her daughter and son-in-law. I love Amy, I miss working with and for her, and I was delighted to invited to spend the evening with her. 

Football tickets on Zions Bank is more than just tickets to the game. We had a delicious pre-game dinner in a large tent on the east side of the stadium. There was a large and varied salad bar, then different stations with meats and sides, then a dessert bar that included a chocolate fountain, and a scone station with honey butter and jam. There were so many choices and all of it was yummy. We sat on the east side of the stadium in chairs with backs under which was a zippered bag with a candy bar, water bottle, and a coupon for either a drink or a cougar tail (a 16-inch maple bar). At half-time, we returned to the tent for mid-game snacks of nachos, hotdogs, and popcorn. Then, as if that wasn't enough, at 11:00pm, as the third quarter was coming to a close, they passed small containers of BYU ice cream down each row for everyone to eat. I turned to Amy, ice cream covered spoon in hand and said, "I am not at all hungry and eating ice cream at 11:00 at night is ridiculous, but I'm eating it anyway." 

The football game itself was super fun. BYU won 38-24 against Wyoming, and all that scoring meant lots of excitement. BYU scored every quarter so we stood to sing the fight song many times. There is always music and activity and yelling and high energy. I imagine it's our equivalent of ancient Roman battles in the Colosseum. It was great to be with Amy, to talk and catch up, and to have it all be on the Company dime. 

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