Friday, September 30, 2022

Brandt Participates in Tech Olympics

Brandt had the opportunity to go to Cedar City with Drama and Choir groups to participate in the Shakespeare Festival for high school students. As a techie, Brandt got to participate in the Tech Olympics as well as hanging around on campus. As I was not there, Brandt will give a full and detailed-ish report about the weekend away.

Now Brandt:

The whole trip in general was boring. I feel bad that my parents had to pay the $300 to go down to Cedar City because I didn't do very much. 

First day, the actors had to practice, the choir had to sing, but tech was just sitting around. I was bored but couldn't go anywhere without two other people. I think this is a dumb rule (not me, the mom), especially as I had cousins on campus and wanted to go hang out with them. I was so bored, I began asking college students if they wanted to play Uno with me. Finally, when a hot college chick said, "Sure!" everyone else wanted to play Uno. Just pointing that out. We played Uno, we talked, we had a good time. Tess came and visited me while we were waiting around. She brought me a breakfast burrito which was so good and chatted with me for a few minutes. 

The first night we also got to watch MacBeth at the outdoor theater, but even though we had done MacBeth and I had seen it many times, I was totally confused by their production. There was a random baby and other stuff I didn't understand at all.

Day two was kind of the same thing. Instead of sitting around, I convinced people to go wander around with me. We went to the SUU bookstore which sold daggers and miniature knives. Everyone bought one but me. I wanted to save my money so I didn't buy one. Everyone else was so proud they got a sword. Charlie texted me and I met up with him. He told me that Grandpa George had a folder at SUU. I took two other people and met Charlie at the library to see the folder. They were probably bored, but I thought it was super interesting. Turns out, Grandpa had something to do with the SUU mascot. Because he was in advertising, he had something to do with it which I don't remember.

After that, we got to participate in the Tech Olympics. The Olympics were good. I got third place in my category. There was a measurement thing on a piece of paper you had to mark and Spuney did that. You had to make a light go into a certain shape. You had to dress someone in a costume a certain way. There was one about props where you had to memorize where they went. There was rigging you had to tie different knots in. Some actors showed up, but they just sat around and talked. Only two actors cheered us on which was really nice. 

For sound, you had to hook up a microphone to a mixer and the mixer to a speaker and you had to have your voice come out. You had to have someone else turn on the speaker which was so dumb, and I think I would have gotten second place or maybe even first if I had said, "Turn the speaker on." I did it and then wrapped a cable for minus ten seconds. Tess and Charlie showed up to watch me which was really nice.

Third place for sound.
That's a bronze medal.
You might wonder how Landon was able to do anything in less than a second.
You got a ten second reduction in time if you properly wrapped a cable.
Brandt did and got ten seconds off his time too.

The last day, actors had to go early to practice and techies were going to go later. Turns out, all the techies went with the actors and I was the only one left behind. I went with the choir kids who were also down there to perform and they were funner than the actors. They all wanted to get daggers at the bookstore, but as I had already gone there, I got "lost" and went and wandered around on my own. I went up to the roof of the science building and played cards in the sun for a while. I thought I was locked outside, but I really wasn't. I got texted by Ruth who asked where I was and I said, "I'm stuck on a roof somewhere alone. Don't tell Avila." She didn't. I found out the door wasn't locked, so I was able to join the group again. I met up with some techies, Lexie, Ruth, and Diana, and we had lunch. I got to see Charlie one more time at lunch. There was an award show but we didn't win anything. Then we drove home. 

Bus ride down to Cedar City.
Brandt is wearing a hat he bought at a gas station.
The hat says, "God, Guns, and Guts Made America. Let's keep all three here."

Brandt in the middle of the group with his back to us above
and facing us below.

Watching MacBeth

"Is this a dagger I see before me?"

Group shot
Brandt lying on the ground, in the middle, with his hat on.
Tess or Charlie sent me video of Brandt competing, but I don't have that anymore.

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