Friday, September 30, 2022

Best Laid Plans

Because the bank is open until 6:00pm on Fridays, I get home late. Dinner preparation is always frustrating because we often are not eating until after 7:00 because no one else in the family feels like they can step in and make something we could all eat as soon as I got home. 

Today, in an effort to prepare something in advance so dinner prep would be quick, I put a pork loin in the crock pot to cook. I thought I'd make a sweet and spicy sauce to cover it in and we could have sweet pork tacos or salads. In an effort to get things going, I turned the pork onto high to cook for the first hour, and then I intended on turning it to low as I walked out the door for work.

I forgot.

It was a busy day at work and I didn't make it home at lunch. Mikayla stopped by my house and was going to ask if she could make me dinner, but she saw the crock pot on the counter and was impressed I was so on top of things.

In reality, I wasn't. The pork loin was not huge, so over the course of the day, cooking on high, it became absolutely massacred. It was burnt, dry, and completely inedible. I was crushed when I got home, saw it was all a mess, and that I would need to start from scratch for dinner. 

Sometimes, the best laid plans of mice and men are completely foiled.

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