Friday, April 23, 2021

The Red Helicopter

This morning, my mom sent me this essay she wrote, inspired somewhat by our hike a couple of weeks ago. I always appreciate having a record of family testimony, so I am including her essay here. I sometimes wish my "learning experiences" weren't quite so painful. I'm really struggling at the moment, and I need to change my outlook. I need to take Phoebe's counsel to heart and sincerely pray that I can see God giving me "what which is best for [me]." I'm grateful for my mom's inspiration, thoughtfulness, and faith.

The Red Helicopter

On Saturday, April 10th, my daughter, Katherine, my son-in-law Guy, and I took a few grandchildren hiking on the Big Springs trail in the south fork of Provo Canyon. Driving up the canyon to the parking lot of the trailhead, we came upon a very large house under construction. As we passed by, Katherine and I exclaimed ‘simultaneously together’ (a favorite phrase in our family), “They have a helicopter!!” Sitting in the field next to the house was a bright, shiny red helicopter. We were amazed. Sometime later as we labored up the trail, the helicopter flew over our heads and disappeared beyond the mountain. With our faces turned skyward to watch its flight, Katherine said, “Maybe they’re off to buy groceries.” We both laughed and remarked how fun it might be to have our own helicopter to take us places. I can truthfully say that, at the time, I felt no envy and only a little judgment for which I repent as I write this.

I currently live under very favorable circumstances. I have a nice home, sufficient income to provide for my needs, reasonably good health, and family and friends to provide enjoyable companionship and help when needed. Most importantly, like you, I am a member of the Restored Church of Jesus Christ and a recipient of all the blessings that membership in His church encompasses.

And yet, God does not intend for me or you to live a life of ease. We all have concerns and are presented with “learning experiences,” a term Elder Wakolo said he will now use to describe the trials in his life. Know that I pray for you individually as I become aware of the learning experiences in your life.

Last week’s CFM lesson referred to Phebe Carter in Voices of the Restoration. She left her home and family to follow the saints first to Ohio and then later to the Salt Lake valley. She eventually married Wilford Woodruff and became a woman of great influence in the Church, something she could never have foreseen in her youth. The following, which she wrote in a letter to her parents, captures the feelings of my heart:

Let us commit all these things into the hands of Providence and be thankful that we have been permitted to live together so long under so favorable circumstances as we have, believing that all things will work for our good if we love God supremely. Let us realize that we can pray to one God who will hear the sincere prayers of all his creatures and give us that which is best for us. … “

The gospel of Jesus Christ is the red helicopter.

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