Thursday, April 1, 2021

April Fools

No one was home much today. The children were both at school, and Kent and I both worked. I certainly didn't attempt to play any tricks on anyone at the bank, and I'm confident Kent and Brandt didn't try anything either.

Blythe, however, is a different story. When I returned home from work, I put down my stuff and Blythe called to me from her bedroom. I went up and greeted her, and she said, "I made brownies. They are in the oven." 

"Yum!" I replied. "I love brownies." It didn't really smell like brownies, but Blythe had been home hours longer than I, so I didn't think much about it.

I went back downstairs to begin dinner and opened the fridge to discover puffballs ALL OVER! The brightly colored orbs were in every drawer, on every shelf, spread all over. I burst out laughing! What a funny trick. I'm certain I'll be finding puffballs for weeks. (*post edit: I did, indeed, find a rogue puffball on April 22, way in the back of the fridge.) I pulled out what I needed, then turned to start the oven. I opened it to pull out the brownies, and made another discovery. Blythe had made brown Es, NOT brownies. They were in the oven, but they hadn't been baked there. More laughing! 

I needed something from the pantry, opened the door, and a bin full of plasticware leapt from the shelf, landed on the floor, and scattered plasticware all over. Blythe had rigged the bin with rubber bands, attached it to the spice rack on the door so that when the pantry door was opened, the bin would be pulled off the shelves. Even more laughing! I was watching out now.  I discovered additional puffballs in all the glasses in the cupboard, none of which would make a positive addition to whatever we were going to drink.

I discovered Blythe's last trick in the corner cupboard when I reached for the butter dish. Instead of an inviting stick of soft butter, I found a blob of shortening. Much less tempting to spread over the bread we were going to eat for dinner. Blythe's April fools were certainly tricky and very funny!

Post edit: I found the last puffball in the refrigerator on July 9.

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