I had a very nice Mother's Day. The children brought me breakfast in bed: a yogurt, a Naked smoothie (in a bottle), and a cup of water. Arguably, not a very exciting breakfast, but it's the thought that counts. They also made me great Mother's Day presents in school. Blythe created a People Magazine with me featured as "Mother of the Year." She drew my picture and said why she thought I was the best mother. She wrote:
My mother is mother of the year!! She cooks the hethe (healthy) food! She lets us bick beetuin (pick between) saled or pes (peas)! She is sapparting (supporting)!! Ones (once) she exclaimed, "you did a asammer (awesome) job in dance." My mother asigned me fo pano (signed me for piano)! She is so so taltid (talented)! She spend her mony so we cold (could) have kiywe crats (Kiwi crates)! That is why she is mother of the year!!That's a whole lot of exclamation points. In addition, she wrote words to go along with the first letters of "mother." She wrote:
M ost kind!
Often she hellps!
Thack fol (thankful) for her chedlren.
Hellp me wheth math.
Exeided (excited) for treps (trips)!
Rete (ready) to hellp!
Lots of "hellping" there. I'm glad Blythe sees me as a helper.
Brandt gave me rose scented bath salts that are so smelly I can't be within about 10 feet of them without being overcome by fumes. I'm to take a leisurely bath with them and "soak away my stress." That's what he told me. He also wrote a nice card that says, "Dear Mom I love you You are the best and awesome and cool. Love Brandt #5" Very little punctuation, and the #5 because that's his class number. Too funny!
The Primary children sang in sacrament meeting. I thought they did a great job, and when Brandt sat down and I said as much, he whispered to me, "I didn't really sing. I just lip-synced." I'm not sure that's true, but maybe.

In Primary, the children also each made a little card entitled "I love my mom because . . ." and then they wrote why and drew a picture of "me and my mom." I loved the kids' pictures.
Brandt on the left, Blythe on the right.
After church we went over to Christopher and Tysen's house for dinner. I had made chocolate mousse--three flavors: dark, milk, and white chocolate--but before eating that, we had chicken, fruit, and salad. It was fun to visit and be together. I took a picture of Lyla wearing the hat I wore to church. She thought it was hilarious.
Today I went and picked up my Mother's Day gift. Kent asked me on Saturday what I might like, and as the time had sort of passed to plan anything, I suggested that the flower baskets I was picking up be my Mother's Day present. I was getting flowers for my mom and for Dawn, too, and figured that would be great. Kent wasn't sure that seemed appropriate, but I thought it was fine. The flowers I got are lovely, they will beautify the house and yard, and I like them a lot, so it's all good. The kids and I had a nice visit with Dawn today, as we delivered her hanging basket.
I am so happy to celebrate mothers. It is a blessing to nurture and be nurtured, and I am grateful to be a mom myself. Brandt and Blythe are the best things in my life and teach me so many good and hard lessons I would never learn otherwise. It is a challenge to parent, but worth the effort. I want my children to grow to be responsible, good people, and hope I am teaching them well.
I wanted a nice picture with the children and Brandt found himself unable to control his face. He looked fairly goofy and couldn't stop giggling strangely while Kent was trying to snap a photo. He is a silly boy, with a silly sister.
Mother's Day flowers next to us.
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