Friday, May 20, 2016

Field Trip Friday #65--Primary Activity and Birthday-ing

It's the last Field Trip Friday of the school year.  I can't believe it.  We've had a good year.  The Primary had a wonderful service project today and as it was scheduled for this afternoon, it was our FTF activity.  They were putting together welcome kits for refuge children coming to the US.  They decorated little bags and made "welcome home" signs, and then tied fleece blankets.  I went over to help a bit, cutting fringy edges on the fleece.  It was pandemonium.  Kids were running around and shrieking, playing soccer in the gym while the activity was going on.  But as I wasn't in charge at all, I didn't say anything.  I just did what I was asked and didn't worry about how it was going.  They did get a large pile of blankets tied and everyone decorated a bag and sign.  They had hoped to get 10 packets put together and actually did 20.  Double the accomplishment!

And speaking of pandemonium, Brandt stayed at the Primary activity for about 10 minutes before he went off to a birthday party for his classmate, Josh Jenks.  Josh had invited everyone in his class, some 30 students.  Turns out that it was also Josh's sister's birthday, and she, too, invited everyone in her class, some 30 more students.  Their mom was dealing with 60--SIXTY--children for a huge-o-mondo birthday party.  Craziness.  Insanity.  Truly pandemonium.  She was a brave woman.  Brandt reported they went and did activities in the park next to the house, but that it was wild.

So craziness all around this afternoon.  Hooray for Fridays!

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