Saturday, March 10, 2012

Spiritual Nourishment

I am in charge of sharing time tomorrow.  Our theme for the month is "Living Prophets Teach Me to Choose the Right," and the week's theme is "The First Presidency and the Twelve Apostles are prophets."  It was suggested that I select six of these men, play a matching game with their pictures and names, and then have the children act our a gospel principle the leader taught in the most recent general conference.  

In preparation, this week I have read each of the talks given by these good men in October's conference.  I have read as I have ridden my bike in the basement on the trainer, first thing in the morning.  I love to read as I ride; I enjoy both activities, and I feel such a sense of accomplishment when I not only get some exercise, but I get a whole hour of uninterrupted reading time.  This has been an especially wonderful week!  As I read each conference talk, I have been so uplifted by the messages, I have had my faith renewed, and my desire to follow the gospel has increased.  I also found I had greater patience with the children--I only yelled at Blythe once all week which must be a record.  I know when we study the word of God, either in the scriptures or as delivered by Christ's spokesmen on the earth today, we are enlightened, we are led, and we are fed spiritually.  I am committed to doing better at beginning each day with spiritual as well as physical nourishment so I can enjoy the guidance of the spirit throughout my day.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how many times I have to be hit over the head with that idea - that I'm a better mom / person if I have regular spiritual nourishment. If I read my scriptures in the am, I am SO much more patient.
