Monday, March 26, 2012

Hickory Dickory Dock

Thursday was nursery rhyme day in kindergarten.  Brandt was to come dressed up as or with props for a nursery rhyme of his choice.  He chose Hickory Dickory Dock.  I suggested we make a clock with his face as the face and a mouse attached to fishing line that could run up and down.  He thought that was a great idea but wondered how we would do a bong, and I said, "You could say, 'BONG!'"  He was sold.

Kent brought home a large piece of cardboard and we fashioned a clock.  With Blythe's help, Brandt painted it all brown.  I asked if he wanted to add some detail painting to it, and if he wanted me to draw some detail he then painted, or if he just wanted to do it himself.  He wanted to do it himself, so he did.  We had a bit of a challenge with the mouse as we were initially trying to attach a rather large plastic Ratatouille rat.  It was too heavy and kept breaking the fishing line.  In the end, I copied off a mouse from the internet and then it worked out well.

Parents were not invited to watch the nursery rhyme sharing, but Brandt reported it went very well.  All the kids thought his running mouse was super cool and almost everyone wanted a turn making it go up and down.  Brandt was good to share, as long as they asked him if it was okay.  I recorded his dress rehearsal, and here are some pictures.

Here is the final product with Brandt's details and the mouse running up the clock.

Brandt is practicing his "bonging" to scare the mouse down the clock.

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