Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A First

Blythe gave her first talk in Primary this week.  Another child was assigned, but then was going to be out of town, so I told Heidi (my secretary) that we would take care of the talk.  I asked the children if one of them would be willing to do it and Blythe immediately said, "Me! Me! Me!" while jumping up and down.

The month's theme is We are blessed when we choose the right.  I asked Blythe some questions and the talk is based on her answers.  Here it is, complete with pictures.

When I choose the right, I am blessed.
When I am not shy, I make new friends.

When I am nice to Brandt, we can play together.  
We are happy and that makes Jesus happy.
It makes my mom and dad happy, too.

When I am reverent and sing in Primary,
I learn about Jesus and I learn new songs I like to sing.
I am blessed when I choose the right.

We practiced Blythe's talk and she was both ready and excited Sunday morning.  She sat on the stand with me and when the time came for her, she boldly stood next to me and said, "I am blessed when I choose the right," and then not another word.  In spite of my encouragement and Brandt's from the third row, she wouldn't say another thing.  Oh, well.  I'm sure she'll have lots to say the next time, and we were all very pleased she was willing to try.

1 comment:

  1. The first time Kyli was assigned to speak we actually had to leave the building she was so upset (that has changed, now she LOVES to talk) but what an experience. Good job Blythe
