Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Izzy is Sixteen!

It's Izzy's birthday. Sixteen! I love to celebrate our girl, although we didn't do much of that this year. Izzy wasn't in the mood to really party. Sixteen is big and I think she was feeling that. She told me she doesn't want to be an adult and have to do all the grown-up things, and she feels old and anxious about the future. I can certainly relate to the general worry about life but would have liked to have at least taken her to lunch. 

Izzy spent most of the day at the computer. No lunch date, no dinner out. She is planning a birthday party with April North in a few days, so I guess she'll party then. 

I'm honor of the day, here are sixteen things I love about Izzy.

  1. Izzy is creative. 
  2. Izzy likes to clean. Not so much our space, but in general (wink).
  3. Izzy is dramatic. She gets that from Kent (wink).
  4. Izzy is thoughtful about other people and thinks about what they might like and how to make them feel better. 
  5. Izzy is responsible for herself and her "stuff."
  6. Izzy laughs heartily from her gut. It's real laughter. 
  7. Izzy loves the dog and will bathe her. 
  8. Izzy works hard on her healing. 
  9. Izzy likes all sorts of people. 
  10. Sometimes Izzy will sit on the bed with me and share things. I love these moments. 
  11. Izzy likes to sing and is regularly humming or singing softly.
  12. I love Izzy's cheeky smile. 
  13. I love Izzy's big plans. Very little with Izzy is small-time.
  14. I love it when Izzy will try something new. I like watching her face as she thinks about whether or not she likes it. 
  15. I love how Izzy tells stories passionately. 
  16. I love that Izzy came to our family and is our daughter.

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