Saturday, June 8, 2024

A Sleepover

Mila has been pestering Bryan about having a sleepover with Izzy. We decided that today would be the day and Bryan brought the girls to me after work. We had dinner together and then the girls all went upstairs for talking, make overs, and general silliness. As it started to get dark, Kent helped them pitch a tent in the backyard, and get all settled for the night. They watched a movie and then all hunkered down in the tent for what we hoped would be sleeping. Moo Moo wanted to join them, but she was made to stay in the house.

They all slept very late, even in the tent, and all emerged hungry. We had waffles for breakfast then did chores. We had to do some shopping to do and took the girls to run around. While Izzy didn't come, I swam with all Bryan's kids in the afternoon. I think everyone was happy with the time together.

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