Tuesday, March 26, 2024


For weeks, and maybe even months, Izzy has been working on organizing the basement of the auditorium where all the theater equipment, props, sets, and general stuff is stored. Izzy, along with Lexy and sometimes Erika, Kaitlyn, and Miles, has been trying to bring order to the chaos. It has been at least a semester long project. 

This particular part of the basement became known as the "AHHHHHHH Corner," a place where they chucked things when there was no hope of putting them elsewhere. It was a space they were going to get to eventually. Hopefully. We heard regular updates at home about basement organizational progress, and lots about the AHHHHHHH Corner during reports. For a long time it was bad. Very, very bad.

Izzy told us recently that she and Lexy had brought order to all the other parts of the basement, and that it was time to tackle the AHHHHHHH Corner. She sent me the "before" picture as evidence of how bad things really were. We were encouraging and asked for periodic updates in progress. Today, Izzy sent me the "after" picture, proof that all her and Lexy's hard work had paid off. The AHHHHHHH Corner was dreamy organized, with all things sorted, boxed, labeled, and grouped. The left side shelf was pulled out so the full space could be used, the right shelf was pushed over, and a space between created where long bolts of fabric could be stored. It took a ridiculously long time to make it functional and orderly, but Izzy and Co. did a fabulous job! 

Says Izzy about the bike,
"I hate this bike. Both wheels are deflated so it's heavy to more. I tried riding it once and hit the wall and nearly fell off. I banished it to the murder hallway never to be seen again."

Says Izzy, "It's beautiful."

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