Saturday, March 2, 2024

Dune 2

As part of a reading challenge, I read/listened to Dune by Frank Herbert. The first of a three-part movie series came out in 2021, and Brandt and Kent went to see it with Mikayla and Guy. I didn't go, not thinking I would like it. Then I listened to the book and decided I definitely needed to see it. The second part was coming out so I watched it with Mikayla and Guy at their house some weeks ago.

This afternoon, Brandt, Kent, and I went with Guy, Gary, Blake, and Brick to see Dune 2. I had seen several trailers including the scene where the actor playing Paul, Timothée Chalamet rides a sandworm for the first time. The whole thing looked very exciting and we eagerly anticipated the opening. 

The movie did not disappoint. We saw it in IMAX, so it was huge. Visually, it was stunning, the story was well told, and I liked the characters. I was glad I had listened to the book as I had a clear idea of where the story was going, and I liked the visual realization of the printed word. It was fun to be there with family, too.

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