Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Shopping Production

It's spring break, we are going nowhere and doing nothing, but we did need groceries today, so we went to the store.  We went with Mikayla and her crew, meaning we were shopping with five children.  Five!  While my children can take care of themselves and don't run off down the aisles, they do ask me every aisle if they can have something they see.  Beef jerky, Gatorade, marshmallows, chips, cheese and crackers, candy bars, bacon, ice cream, popsicles, straws, miniature cars, Beanie Boos, new toothbrushes.  It never stops.  Drives me absolutely crazy.  It would have been much nicer if we could have left my children in charge of Mikayla's children, but they aren't quite old enough for that, so we all went.  We did get food purchased.  We did not get any of the items requested.  We came away with everyone we arrived with.  All in all, it was a successful expedition.

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