Sunday, September 8, 2024

Brandt is Ordained an Elder

Bringing joy to both his parents, today Brandt was ordained an elder by Kent. We have been anticipating this priesthood progression as we have anticipated his mission paper submission, and we were all pleased that it happened. We invited Lee, Cammie, and Aaron, as well as my mom to join us. Charles Helquist needed to be with us as a stake representative, so we had him join Kent, Lee, and Aaron in the circle.

Kent gave Brandt a sweet blessing in addition to ordaining him. He mentioned how happy Grandpa George was to have his last grandson become an elder. I thought about Grandpa De who I'm certain was pleased to have Brandt be his first grandson ordained to the Melchizedek Priesthood.  It made me cry thinking about those who have gone before us who I know were participating in the ordination. Kent told Brandt he is a warrior in the fight against Satan, and that the priesthood he now holds will aid him in that fight. He also counseled Brandt to use is priesthood in the service of others.

Exciting things are coming for Brandt. He meets with the Stake President this week for his mission interview, and we are hoping for a mission call by the end of the month. It has been wonderful to see him grow in the gospel and in his testimony and Kent and I are grateful he is continuing on the covenant path.

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