Friday, May 26, 2023

Last Day of School

Today was the last day of school. I was able to get a picture of Brandt but not one of Isabella. I asked them both what their favorite things about this school year were and this is their report.

Brandt's 11th grade favorite things: tech crew because he sometimes got to miss class for it, law enforcement, hanging out with friends, late nights, making new friends, participating in Explorers even though that wasn't part of school.

Isabella's 9th grade favorite things: getting out of middle school, making new friends, tech crew and drama class, drama club and gender sexuality alliance, when she had classes with friends, some of my fun teachers (Avila, Jolley, Brooks), the school therapist (Melia).

Monday, May 22, 2023

Memorial Day

We made cemetery rounds this year to celebrate Memorial Day. We didn't make it to Eureka, but we went to East Lawn, Murray, Salt Lake, Provo, and Mapleton to visit the graves of those we love who are no longer with us. Memorial Day is always a time of remembering and reflecting on the joy of the Plan of Salvation and the resurrection of Jesus Christ that will bring about a resurrection of us all. I was happy to be with family and feel the love to family and friends on the other side of the veil.

Freya and me, her best friend.

All the grandchildren except Isabella

Sunday, May 21, 2023


The hoopla over the tremendous water year continues unabated. We have received multiple emails from city and church, warning us about potential flooding, how to prepare, and where to go to fill sandbags. I have felt that even if all the water came pouring out of the mountains simultaneously, we would still be okay. But in an effort to prepare, I got stuff off the basement floor, and we've filled some sandbags. I think we'll be fine.

We took an evening stroll up to Rock Canyon to see the water status. What we saw was impressive! Water was rushing down the canyon in streambeds that have been dry for years. There was water where I have never seen water before. It was fast moving and added both visual and auditory excitement to our walk. Maybe we do need to be worried.

Rock Canyon Park, a bowl specifically designed to hold extra runoff, had a catch basin at the bottom of the rushing stream, and then a "river" that ran around the south and west edges of the field before dumping into a grated drain to run down to the lake. We spoke to a man who works for the city who told us they are almost continually monitoring the drain, making sure it wasn't getting clogged with anything and continuing to flow freely. After talking to him, I was much reassured by the city's planning and handling of the runoff. I really to think we will be fine.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Drama Banquet

Today was the Drama Banquet, wherein all the theater/drama students gather for a concluding activity. They get food, they have a slide show, they reminisce, favorite paper plate awards are given, and next year's shows are revealed. 

The highlight of the Drama Banquet for Brandt and Isabella was Tech Les Mis. With the help of Ms. Smith, the assistant drama teacher, the techies put together a shortened version of Les Mis complete costumes, tracks, set pieces, and props. Isabella was a guard, part of the ensemble, was a "lovely lady," moved sets, had a line, a line which had to be delivered as fast as possible. She yelled out, "THERE'S A BOY COMING OVER THE BARRICADE!" which you could hardly hear during the performance. Brandt played Javert with enthusiasm and seriousness, checking his lines every time he got off stage. He wore his Explorer uniform with Grandpa De's bailbondsman badge. He did a trust fall into the arms of his fellow technies as Javert killed himself. It was all recorded. We watched both the production and the reaction of the audience which is tremendously exited and animated. 

All these pictures are yellow, but all of them are screenshots of the recorded performance and aren't going to be any better.

"There's a boy coming over the barricade!"

Javert getting ready to throw himself from the bridge.

"One Day More . . . "

Isabella's paper plate award was "ASM Extraordinaire." 

Brandt's paper plate award was "Most likely to join the Italian Mafia". He was also awarded "Most likely to actually shoot Javert" at the cast party for Les Mis.

Brandt sent me some of the pictures of the techies from the slide show which I am including here.

All of tech crew except Isabella who was out in the hall having a panic attack.
Also missing Thea
standing: Cole, Seth, Nate, Spuney (Peter), Miles, Pearl, Abby, Haden, Hannah, Landon, Erika, Eli, another Abby, Diana
sitting: Mason, Mr. Avila, Brandt, Lexy, Ruth, Emma, Kaitlyn

Tech crew doing a weird hand thing that Seth started.


The backstage crew
Hannah, Isabella, Kaitlyn, Diana, Ruth, Lexy, Thea

Here they are doing what they do backstage
Hannah is crying/having a breakdown, Isabella is telling people to shut up,
Kaitlyn is doing something, Diana is fly railing, Ruth is holding a microphone,
Lexy is on coms, and Thea is giving moral support

Model walking across the stage

Offstage shenanigans

Lexy and Hannah being cool

The sound crew
Pearl, Miles, Nate, Brandt, Seth, Thea, Cole, Hayden, 

Performing their tasks
 Pearl reading a script, Nate checking a microphone, Brandt mixing
He has no idea what anyone else is doing.

Erica, Abby, Mason, Emma, Eli, other Abby, Landon (Deez)

Diana, Eli, Mason, Brandt, Lexy

Leads plus Spooney with Mr. Avila

Friday, May 12, 2023

Rock Canyon Extravaganza

Today was the Rock Canyon Extravaganza, the highlight of the school year for many children, and the annual fundraiser for the PTA. As the PTA president, Mikayla has been in charge. She is really good at being in charge of anything, and this year's Extravaganza was no exception.

For weeks and weeks, preparations have been made. Over the past couple of days, preparations have intensified. I went over to Mikayla's house last night to help finish balloon arches. I invited Kent, Brandt, and Isabella to help, and they all agreed they would. In fact, Brandt volunteered to be Rocky the Roadrunner, the school mascot.

Because I work late on Fridays, I did not arrive until nearly the end of the event. Kent, Gregg Pugmire, and Julian, one of Brandt's friends, had been thoroughly engaged in serving food the whole three hours of the event. They prepared and sold dozens and dozens of hot dogs. They ran out and Kent was dispatched to Day's Market to buy all they had in stock. Brandt circulated all around, shaking kids' hands and being in pictures. 

At the end of the evening, the whole affair was deemed a huge success. Lots of money was raised, a few children were lost but then they were found, and a good time was had by all.      


I spy with my little eye someone else's little eye!

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Final Choir Concert

Isabella is not taking choir again next year (too bad!), so today was her final choir concert, both of the year and perhaps of her high school career. The theme of the concert was "Just for the Fun of it!" Isabella sang in a large girls' choir, and they sang a super fun ABBA Forever! mashup of four songs. I tried really hard not to sing along from my place in the audience. They did some minimal "choreography" which added additional flare. It was a great conclusion to the school year and Isabella's choir participation.

I look one really bad photo and some equally bad video.

Isabella circled so as to identify her in the bad photo.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Kent Sprouts

When I began working full-time, several things had to go. One of them was the garden. Although we love fresh veg, I did not have the time to do what was necessary. Kent stepped in and took over garden responsibilities. He researched what type of tomatoes were the best for our area and did some shopping to find the varieties of tomatoes he wanted. Tomatoes, fresh tomatoes, or his absolute favorite. Mine too. Who doesn't love a BLT with fresh tomatoes just picked off the vine? 

Kent has been very generous in sharing our harvest with the neighbors, including Andrew and Elizabeth Kay. Earlier this year, Andrew brought over some heirloom seeds he had ordered and gifted them to Kent. Andrew thought it would be fun for Kent to try these interesting varieties of tomatoes which he would then share with them. Among the seeds were black tomatoes, which looked super interesting to both of us. I imagine them in caprese salad. 

Kent has been planting the seeds and nurturing them along over the past couple of weeks. They have begun to sprout, and he is watering them delicately, hoping for and thinking about future harvest.