Saturday, February 4, 2023

Bad Dog

Moo Moo has been a very bad dog the past two days. 

On a walk as I was taking Mikayla's children home from a visit, Moo Moo attacked Ellie Mason's dog Grizzly. They don't get along. Freya was walking Moo Moo when we rounded the corner and Moo Moo saw Grizzly. She tore off, yanking her leash out of Freya's hand, and then the dogs just went crazy at each other. I was walking several yards behind, bringing up the rear, and so they snarled and nipped before I could get Moo Moo's leash and pull her away. 

We walked home through the park which is covered with snow, and rather than fight Moo Moo while trying to stay in other people's footprints, I let Moo Moo go to have a bit of a run through the park. She took off way far away and wouldn't return, even though I cajoled and pleaded for her to come. She did, eventually, but I was almost out of the park before she came back. 

Brandt, Kent, and I went to a dance production at BYU last night and Isabella went to the movie with a friend, and when we returned, we found a package of hamburger buns at the top of the stairs. They had been chewed into; only one and a half buns remained. When setting the table for dinner, Brandt put the newly purchased buns on one of the bar stools, then we all dashed out for our activities. The buns were at Moo Moo level, and she took advantage. She ate six and a half buns! 

At 2:00am, she woke me, whining at the side of the bed.  She was somewhat frantically running around our bed whimpering, and I worried she needed to poop, what with all the carb consumption. So, I hobbled downstairs with her, and she ran right out. She was out long enough to do business, then we returned upstairs. I had a terrible time getting back to sleep. I was probably awake until 4:00am. Grrrr.

Then this evening we let her out and after a time, called her in. She came out from the dark shadow of the bushes, leapt up the stairs into the house, and then dropped the body and legs of a dead bird at Brandt's feet. She found a decapitated quail and wanted not to leave it outside. SO GROSS!! If she weren't so cute and cuddly, I'd consider getting rid of her.

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