Friday, May 13, 2022

Rock Canyon Extravaganza!

It was Rock Canyon Extravaganza day today. Wahoo!! Mikayla has been in charge of the Extravaganza as the PTA president-elect, and even though I work, I have been trying to help her out as I can. She bought some balloon arches and yesterday evening Brandt and I went over to help blow up and attach balloons to the little clips that go around the arch. There were A LOT of balloons! We watched  Uncharted as we put balloons together. 


Brandt was seriously all-in when it came to helping--he volunteered to be Rocky the Roadrunner. The costume is sort of falling apart in the back, the zipper doesn't work, and the head doesn't stay on very well, but Brandt wasn't deterred. In fact, he was fairly delighted. Because he couldn't see very well, Kent stayed with him as he walked around the event, high-fiving lots of children. He even came into the cakewalk where I was helping the last hour and did some crazy dance moves. 

Eugene and Sharae brought Blake, Makenna, and Collin to the Extravaganza
and they all came in to do the cakewalk while I was there.

Blythe and two of her friends helped throughout, mostly doing concessions. 
They worked hard!
They took it easy the last half hour or so and helped fun the music for the cakewalk.

We all stayed to help clean up, 
including Blake, Makenna, and Eugene who walked balloon arches 
home to Mikayla's house.
It was a terrific event that made, in the end, over $10,000.


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