No Field Trip Friday today. Last night I told Kent I wasn't sure what we were going to do for FTF today, and he suggested we not do anything. "Can't you have a bye?" he asked. No! The whole point of having Field Trip Friday is that we go do something. By 10:30am, however, fate had made the decision for me. Mikayla broke her leg playing soccer, and I ended up with her children all afternoon and into the evening. This was perfectly acceptable; I was happy to have them, and quite frankly, the children were happy to stay home and play with Brick and friends. I took care of Cora, Brandt took care of Brick as they played and played and played with Sam Oyler, and Blythe had Ellen come over. Everyone was happy, and all I had to do was keep everyone well supplied with snacks. Mikayla has surgery and will be in the hospital until at least tomorrow, and then won't be able to put any weight on her leg for two months. We may have many more afternoons like today's in the coming weeks.

Brick is light sabering Brandt and Sam and shrieking with delight every time they fall over.
Blythe and Ellen have removed seven or eight games from the closet
and are playing some imaginative game with no rhyme or reason with all the little pieces.
And just for fun, I'll throw in the picture of the nine screws Mikayla got during her surgery.
I'm not including the horrific picture of the compound fracture that led to all this hardware.
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