Saturday, December 14, 2024

Black and White on Black and White

Camouflaged as Moo Moo is on that black and white blanket, it's hard to even see her there. I think that's what she was hoping for. You can't see it in the picture, but as soon as I walked up to her, her tail started thumping. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Christmas Tree Advent

Growing up, my Grandma Doris Barnes would regularly make sequined felt Christmas ornaments, stockings, and other Christmas decorations for us. I loved them. I still love them. One of the things she made for us was a Christmas tree advent calendar with pockets that held an ornament for each day leading up to Christmas. I loved watching the tree fill up with ornaments and counting down to Christmas. 

Somewhere along the way, the Christmas tree advent got lost or misplaced. For many years (decades) my mom hasn't had it. It is gone. I was talking with Maureen about how much I loved that particular decoration a couple of months ago, and it occurred to me that I could probably find a kit and make one. 

So, I went looking on the internet and found a kit at Wal-Mart. I was so pleased and ordered it the same day I found it. When it arrived, I jumped right in, not really thinking that I would be able to finish it by Christmas (I think I purchased it the first week of November), but I figured I could use it next year. As I worked, however, and saw it coming together, I decided I wanted it for this year, so I stitched and sequined pretty much every evening, even if only for a short time. I listened to an audio book (or two), watched some pickleball while I worked, and little by little, I was able to finish today, December 4th. 

I had enough ornaments to get started on December 1st, and I am absolutely thrilled with the way it turned out. I am so happy I will have this Christmas tree advent this year and in years to come, reminding me of both my childhood and my Grandma Barnes.