Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Friendly Swimming

It's the first of August, so naturally, it's a swimming kind of day.  Brandt's friend Houston was over for a bit, as were Jarom and Sam, and Blythe wanted Lilly and Emma Bradford to come swimming.  It's a ridiculous number of people, but it didn't matter, we all went.  We piled into the Beemer, with me driving, Jarom and Sam in the front seat, and Brandt, Houston, Blythe, Lilly, and Emma all in the back.  It was scrunched, and I was worried we would get pulled over and I would get a big fat hefty ticket, but we made it there and back without incident.  Half of the children rode with their heads between their knees, but it really isn't far, and I drove cautiously.

Mikayla and her children met us at Mom's house, and we all had a raucous good time.  I had to take Jarom and Sam home part-way through the swimming, but as I got out of the pool, Barbara Lepinski called to see if Blythe and Addie could play together, so I offered to pick her up and bring her back.  So although we lost two children for the return trip, we picked up another, making a net loss of only one. 

We just had a great time, including everyone having a snow cone, and everyone getting really, really wet.  We took some underwater pictures which turned out really cute, and all in all, had a splendid summer afternoon.  I wish I had taken a group picture of everyone who was with us.

Emma, Addie, Lilly, and Blythe 

 Houston and Brandt

Cora loves to take pictures, and once the camera came out, she said, 
"I take picture you!"

Then I said, "I take picture you!"


And then Brandt wanted to take pictures, too.
So many pictures!

This is my favorite.
I think Brick must have been taking these.
Or Blythe.

Mikayla, me, Brandt, and Blythe

On the camera, there then followed a whole bunch of really awful pictures.
Odd angles, backs of heads, bubbles, and twelve pictures of a toy truck.
The photographer needs a license to use the camera.

I include this one, only because it's a picture of me and Mikayla together.
It's not a good picture, but a picture.

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