Friday, August 24, 2018

Ancient History Discoveries

Today I found a response I wrote to a request from our stake presidency in 2015.  Our stake theme that year was the temple, and each adult member was asked to write about what effect the temple had on their lives.  I liked our responses, but wanted a more permanent place to put them.  Just two weeks ago, I ordered by 2015 blog book, and so while these testimonies are from 2015, I'm going to include them now, three years later.

From Katherine:

This year, as I have attended the temple, I have been able to participate in all the ordinances from baptism to sealing.  I have had sweet experiences and learning opportunities as I have been in God's house. 

The day I did baptisms, I had only one family name.  Oddly, the baptistery was very slow the morning I was there, and I was asked if I was willing to complete some family names for another patron.  I happily agreed as then I would be soaking wet for more than one person.  The young man who baptized me had Down Syndrome.  I was told by another worker that he had been a missionary at the humanitarian center in Salt Lake, and worked at the temple once a week.  As I was being baptized, watching and listening to this brother perform the ordinance, I was reminded that God loves each of us.  We are his children and he loves us each individually.  He wants all of us to return to him and makes that possible through the temple.  If I had only been baptized for the one woman whose name I had brought to the temple, it would have been time well spent.  I was opening the door for her, and the sweet brother baptizing me was contributing in a significant way to the salvation of others.  What a wonderful lesson!

I love participating in the initiatory ordinance.  We are promised such rich physical blessings that have such powerful spiritual blessings attached to them.  We will have strength to bear our burdens, energy to run and walk and not faint, we can hear counsel and discern truth and error, we are given strength to perform good works, and offered protection from Satan's power.  We are told that through the initiatory ordinance we can be sanctified or made holy.  Although we are expected to be obedient to the covenants we make during the endowment ceremony, our loving Father in Heaven promises and offers us all we need to thrive during mortality, working with the physical bodies He created.

As our year's theme has been coming closer to Christ through temple attendance, each time I have done an endowment session this year, I have tried to focus on the Savior and his mission.  Additionally, I have thought about what I can do to be more like him.  The endowment beautifully portrays Jehovah's love and willingness to act as our Savior.  We can look to him and return to the presence of God.  He is immediately obedient to his Father's requests and does all that is required of him with exactness.  God calls for our obedience, sacrifice, chastity, and whole-hearted commitment to building His kingdom on the earth, but promises so much in return that his expectations seem modest by comparison.  All the Father has can be ours, and all made possible through his Son.

Each time I do a sealing session, I am reminded of my wedding day and the two occasions Kent and I had our children sealed to us.  Those were joyous days when we felt incredibly close to Heaven.  Kneeling at the altar across from my good husband, with our small people, knowing we and they could be together forever, was incredibly sweet and tender.  Now, as I act as proxy for others who are receiving that same blessing, I am touched by my small contribution to their happiness.  I rejoice for their unions, and the knowledge that they will have their children for eternity just like I have mine.  Can there be a better work in all the world?

I love the temple.  My life is better because I am there often; I have greater peace, increased patience, and a wider view of the purpose of my life.  I love to see the temple and feel God's love and spirit each time I attend.
Katherine Barrus
Pleasant View 6th Ward
29 November 2015

From Kent:
Temple service is service.  Since we committed ourselves to attending weekly, we have been blessed with an increased love of those ancestors we have done work for, and an increased awareness of their love and gratitude to us.

We were doing sealings on one occasion.  One of the other couples was newlyweds.  The woman was from Denmark and was doing work for Danish ancestors.  We were doing work for Italian ancestors.  The woman turned to us and said, " Do they talk to you."  I said not so much but asked about her experience.  She said frequently the people she was doing work for would appear to her and thank her for doing their work.  They would also discuss their lives, which had been difficult, and their joy at finally being allowed to progress.  Their discussions were in Danish, and I figured I needed to learn Italian or French if I were to have the same sorts of experiences.  However,  the blessings of knowing that life continues after death, and the peace of the eternal plan of salvation, are the greatest blessings that come from service in the temple.
Kent Barrus
Pleasant View 6th Ward
29 November 2015

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