Friday, August 24, 2018

DeMartini Family Campout

This year's activity should have been called, "The DeMartini Family Campout that Wasn't."  It didn't go so well this year.  Brandt and Blythe have both been feeling crummy.  Blythe came home from school year yesterday and didn't go at all today.  Brandt stayed home today, too.  They watched some TV, they read, they laid around in bed, and Brandt and I played a few board games.  But generally speaking, they didn't do much.  They desperately wanted to camp out at Christopher and Tysen's, but I was firm about our sleeping at home.  Best thing for your body when you're sick?  Sleep.  What would we not get much of at the campout?  Sleep.  We did go over for dinner, but by 8:30 we were loading up to go home.  They whined and complained that they were going to miss Fugitive, one of our favorite activities of the whole summer, and I agreed it was a total bummer.  But we still went home. 

This morning we returned to Christopher and Tysen's to hear a report of the evenings activities.  Fugitive was great, as usual, with only Guy and Blake not getting caught.  Guy, Brick and Cora were the only ones who slept in a tent in the backyard; everyone else went home to sleep in beds.  We did have a delicious french toast breakfast and played some games in the morning, so it still felt like a fun DeMartini Family activity.  And I'm happy to report that the children feel better this morning.  Brandt said to me, "I felt better by 1:00 yesterday afternoon," but you can't play all afternoon/evening when you've stayed home from school. 

Here's hoping next year will be better.

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