Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Email Missive

I've been going through emails and found this one I wrote to Charles.  I get newsy with him, and I like this report.  I'll include it here.

Dear Charles,
I just realized that I did not respond to your email.  I'm so sorry!  I read it happily, immediately marked the days you will be here, and told Kent and the kids, but didn't reply to you to say how glad I am.  Your visit has been blocked out, I know Mom is planning on keeping the pool open, we have breakfast up the canyon scheduled, and know we will be together to eat (and eat and eat). 

We are down to our last week of summer vacation.  We went and got Brandt registered fro seventh grade (middle school) yesterday.  He got his schedule, his school ID card, and we paid fees.  Whoever said we've got free education has not put a kid in school in a very long time.  Both kids needed new backpacks and Blythe wants a new outfit for the first, second, AND third days of school.  I reminded her that we have no income at the moment, but she seemed unmoved.  "Lily and Emma both have new outfits for the first, second, and third days of school!"  How can we compete with Lily and Emma?

I'm just back from a lovely morning bike ride.  I did thirty miles in the company of Kent's sister, Brenda, who is passing through Provo  on her way from Washington, DC to Taiwan.  Brenda's husband Brent will be the new director of the AIT (American Institute in Taiwan), the embassy equivalent in Taiwan.  He's essentially going to be an ambassador, though because of Taiwan's status as not a country separate from China, there isn't an embassy.  They'll have a large apartment, two maids, and a cook.  Sounds rough.  I give some thought to going to visit, but I'd rather spend my money (all the vast sums we've got) in Italy.  

I am looking forward to seeing you soon.  
Love you!!

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