Friday, September 18, 2015

Field Trip Friday #40--State Fair

For Field Trip Friday today, we went to the State Fair.  I like the fair.  The kids like the fair.  Kent likes the fair, and he came with us.  Yeah!  We love it when Kent takes time off work to play with us.   The kids did the pony ride, we went down the Big Yellow Slide, we saw all the animals including all the babies in the petting tent, and Brandt and Blythe went through Little Hands on the Farm.  They might be getting too big for that, but Blythe loves it and made sure we weren't going to miss it.  We went to see the photography exhibit and for the first time ever, the kids fished.  The joke for the day was "What do you get when you play tug of war with a pig?  Pulled Pork."  We read Worse Things Happen at Sea on the way too and from, and we stopped at Mekong Cafe for Thai food on the way home.  Delicious!!!  They had absolutely the best som tum we've ever had.  It was a great FTF activity.


Brandt is making really excellent pigeon sounds at the pigeons.
I'm not sure what he was telling them.

Pigeon on a cup.

I made them pose for a second time because Brandt is being silly.

Pictures of Little Hands on the Farm from years past.
2011 on the left (Br 5, Bl 3) and 2014 on the right (Br 8, Bl 6).
We've been to the fair other years, but apparently I didn't get a picture of them here together. 

The Big Yellow Slide.
We had to climb 106 stairs to the top.
That's 3 1/2 stories.


The children found computers in the same tent as the baby animals.
We had to physically pull them away so we could move on.

This was the first year we did fishing.  There is a large pond near the pony rides that is stocked with hungry catfish.  Volunteers help kids bait a hook on an old-fashioned pole and then pull in a fish.  Everybody will catch something, however long it takes.  Sometimes it takes a while.  We know this because it took quite a while for Blythe to catch one that was actually pulled from the water.  She kept getting bites but would loose them as she began to pull them out.  But in the end, both children got a fish (with lots and lots of help).  I don't think either of them have the patience for real fishing.  


Blythe wasn't looking because the fish flipped water on her leg just as I was going to take the picture,
and she squealed and had to immediately wipe it off. 

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