Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Brandt is 16!

Amazingly, our boy turned sixteen today. For several days I have felt some pressure to do something amazing for this significant birthday. Brandt, however, has been fairly unconcerned about the whole thing. I have suggested he have a party, that we do something big, that we mark this day with something noteworthy. He's said no to pretty much everything. As a result, because I'm a working mom, I've let it go. So today, Brandt turned sixteen without much fanfare. 

I got Brandt balloons and we laughed at all the ages he could be with a 1 and a 6 balloon; sixteen, nineteen, 61, 91. So old and so young! I made him French toast for breakfast, and we went out to dinner. We got him a couple of things, but even then, I was ill-prepared because I don't plan in advance very well. He did swimming in the pool in the afternoon and we planned a movie night for tomorrow. We are hoping he will get his driver's license soon.

In spite of all the non-celebrating, I can say I am incredibly happy that Brandt joined our family sixteen years ago. Below are sixteen things I love about Brandt.

  1. Brandt is kind to others.
  2. Brandt has a soft heart and easily feels the Spirit.
  3. Brandt is wicked funny and makes me laugh all the time.
  4. Brandt will hug me all the time.
  5. Brandt wants to do what is right.
  6. Brandt is an excellent techie and works hard on tech crew.
  7. Brandt is good with little kids, especially his cousins.
  8. Brandt is confident in speaking to adults.
  9. He has dimples that always make him look like he's teasing.
  10. I love to watch Brandt as he administers the sacrament and does other priesthoody things.
  11. Brandt is always willing to help someone else, just like his dad.
  12. Brandt calls me his "best friend" which I love because he's a sixteen-year-old boy and isn't embarrassed by me.
  13. Brandt is trying to be a better eater, so he's trying more things.
  14. Brandt likes to spend time with family.
  15. Brandt has big plans for the future.
  16. Brandt is my best boy.

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